Do you control social media, or does it control you?

If you’ve ever glanced up from your phone, startled at how much time has passed and wondered why you’re feeling crummy, this episode is for you.

A big thank you, to Anne Ferguson from The Brand Up Podcast, for inviting me on to her show to have this wholesome conversation.

Listen to discover:

  • How my own behaviour changes prompted me to take a hard look at my social media use, what it was doing to my wellbeing and relationships, and shared it with the world on the TEDx stage;

  • My three steps to staying healthy and grounded in the whirl of social media;

  • Questions to decide if you might be out of balance with your social media use;

  • A great hack to limit your time on Instagram; and

  • How content creators and business owners with ADHD can use social media in healthy ways

Enjoy listening!

Rubbi Bhogal-wood